Ruling the Green on Your Golf Course

GES products for your Golf course

Spring is right around the corner. For some, that means little, but in the northern third of the world, Spring is everything. Longer days, warmer weather, and new beginnings. For many it also means a return to the golf course and navigating the terrain to retrieve our often-misguided ball. We’ll blame 9-iron.

Speaking of golf and “new beginnings,” here’s an open-ended question (or two) to ponder:

How does your course stack up to the competition? How does it go to work for you (in helping to maintain a healthy bottom line)?

It all starts with the terrain – because let’s face it, what else is there? (Besides the clubhouse…)

A large percentage of a golf course/club’s revenue is invested right back into the maintenance/upkeep of the course itself, as it should be. It can seem like a never-ending cycle, because, for all intents and purposes, it is. But there’s a solution. And, you guessed it, it involves Global Environmental Solutions. Allow us to enable you a harder working, and greater return generating operation.

With our products:

We can help bolster the quality of your playing surfaces, and minimize the damages associated with continuous traffic (foot, cart, or otherwise…)

Our DirtGlue solution, for instance, can turn your loose soil or aggregate into a solid pathway for impending traffic and play. We’ve all seen the areas at courses that are roped off or areas that come across as a bit suspect in their trampled, weathered appearance. Utilizing our suite of products designed specifically for your course will give you a greater foothold for your patrons and set the stage for no washouts which are a huge issue at courses around the globe – due in part to the naturally existing ecosystem around the course, and the fact that a lot of water is used to keep that terrain thriving and looking good.

Let’s get to the point:

Initiating with Global Environmental Solutions can save you at least 50% on installation costs and a staggering 80% on maintenance costs annually.

The benefits of utilizing Global Environmental Solutions product line to bolster your golf facility:

  • Cost savings
  • Increased bottom line
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Added safety for patrons
  • Added safety for grounds crew
  • Improve overall aesthetics of the course

Spending too much time in a revenue sucking sand trap you can’t escape? Give us a call today to learn more about the many ways we can help you and your club! We can’t guarantee a lower handicap, but we can promise lower expenses, which leads to more fun on the fairways and a lot more vibrant greens.

Controlling the Dust Around Your Equestrian Facilities

dust control for equestrian facilities

In the northern half of North America, winter is in full swing. Thus, for horse owners/trainers, and us equestrians more time is spent indoors – in our barns, and at the indoor riding facilities. Winter also means that the air is significantly drier as humidity has hunkered down for the season. With all this in mind, we thought we’d spend some time talking about the proactive measures one should be taking to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment for both the horses and humans taking up residence in our facilities. This is not merely conversation for us here in the north by any means. We just needed to let you know that we’re cold up here… But we’re not complaining! Life moves on…

So, what are you doing to assure your facilities are optimized for safety and healthy conditions?

The reality of spending more time in indoor arenas means a greater chance for dust to impede a healthy environment. Generally speaking, the activity taking place and the dirt that’s in place counteract with one another. It’s imperative to take control and make sure that the track/trotting/living surface remains intact and on the ground rather than in the air and in your (or your horses) lungs. Right? Right.

This is where Global Environmental Solutions comes in. We’ve studied the terrain of equestrian facilities long and hard and have come up with a product that keeps soil intact and surfaces optimized for impact, performance, and health. Said product is ArenaKleen®, which is the only horse arena dust control product that eliminates the health hazards of dust without the need for water or the drawbacks of water based dust control products. With ArenaKleen® dust suppressant, horses, riders and trainers can work safely and comfortably in the arena, stables, or anywhere dust is a problem. ArenaKleen® has been know to keep on working for years with a single application.

Other horse arena dust control products just coat the dust particles; ArenaKleen® works differently. ArenaKleen® is formulated to absorb into each individual soil particle, meaning that soil particles remain in direct contact with each other, ensuring firm footing, and excellent traction with no stickiness, and thus no tracking.

The other product we’re passionate about is DustLess® dust suppressant. For all intents and purposes, the name says it all…

DustLess® soaks into the individual soil/dust particles, making them too heavy to move, thus eliminating dust. It does not form a crust and never evaporates, thereby being unaffected by traffic. DustLess® lasts a very long time, often giving you 9-12 months or more of dust control with one application. Furthermore, when it’s time to reapply, it’s done at a much lower usage rate ensuring cost-effective, long lasting dust control.

And let’s not place the focus entirely on the indoor facility. Parking lots, and fields surrounding your facility (as well as outdoor tracks of course) could all greatly benefit from the proactive approach of eliminating dust from the surrounding environment.

Introducing GES products to any working piece of your facility has myriad benefits including:

  • Bolstered longevity of facility
  • Longer, healthier life of horses (and humans)
  • Adds value to facility
  • Increased performance across the board
  • Environmentally friendly

Let’s make sure your facility is primed and ready for healthier conditions and bolstered performance. Give us a call today to learn about the advantages of utilizing GES products in and around the barn.

GES Polymer Products Create Extreme Surface Betterment in the Extreme Arena

DIrtGlue controls dust emission in extreme sports arena

Have you ever taken your kid to watch the Monster Trucks in an indoor arena (okay, some of us go sans kids… it’s okay…) How about a bull riding event? Or maybe you’ve witnessed dirt bikes and rally cars ripping around an arena? What about BMX bikes ripping turns and flying through the air off of jumps that stay intact?

Any takers?

It’s pretty mesmerizing stuff.

Here’s another question (as if there aren’t enough above):

Have you ever wondered how the dirt stays in place in those spaces?

Seriously. How does a massive vehicle like a monster truck – that’s bombing around and entering itself into an endless cycle of aggressive donuts – not create any dust? How are you not getting pelted with sand and stone in the comfort of your plastic seat?



Or, for a higher-level answer, Global Environmental Solutions (that’s us!) and our suite of polymer, earth controlling products.

It’s possible you haven’t wondered about it, but we guarantee the next time you’re sitting there, you’ll be slack-jawed and wide-eyed in wonderment.

But yes, products like DirtGlue, ArenaKleen, DustLess, and others have enabled event organizers and facility management teams worldwide to produce these events while keeping the environment, venue, extreme athletes, vehicles, and you, the ticketed patron, safe.

One project DirtGlue Australasia was involved with recently was the development of a pump track, which was implemented at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp in Western Australia. They partnered with Three Chillies Trails Design to help facilitate the build out of the track, which will see extensive use out of mountain bikers and thrill seeking bikers as well. This was a very cool project that put to good use our polymer prowess to literally help keep the track in place, and free of dust in the air.

Three chillies trails use dirtglue to control dustSaid Three Chillies:

“With the grand opening of Three Chillies Trails designed and constructed pump track for the Department of Sport and Recreation at the Ern Halliday Camp School comes another exciting announcement for us:

We are proud to be able to offer a natural looking hard wearing alternative to hot mix tarmac surfacing.

We have achieved this by using Green Track Solutions DirtGlue polymer product and a high quality screened road base gravel to create the ride surface…

This product gives us the opportunity to create tracks and trails with the grip, longevity and fast rolling feel of hot mix tarmac, while maintaining our ethos of natural feeling and looking surfaces within the Parks and Green Spaces that we work in.”

There you have it. When it comes to extreme activities that are the cause for exceptional fun, you need an extreme product that’s both safe and strong enough to get the most out of the “playing surface.” That’s where we come in. And we win every time…

Environmental Solutions: For the Earth with the Earth in Mind.

Bolster the Bottom Line: Keep Your Hydroseeding Equipment Running All Year Round with GES Products

We understand that when it comes to hydroseeding and hydromulching you’ve got a lot of options to work with. Options are good. They keep the industry “honest,” or, at least that’s the hope.

Being headquartered in New Hampshire, we’ve been staring at a lot of hydroseeding and hydromulching activity on the side of highways, and the countless arrays of construction projects that happen during the spring, summer, and fall months. Some of it will be considered a success. Some of it “will suffice.” And some of it will fail. It’s a part of the “business.” It’s often not in your best interest to go with “the cheapest quote.”

With that said, we want to be as honest with you as we possibly can. It comes in the form of a proclamation – not because we’re looking to exude a degree of overconfidence – but rather, because our pride and reputation is in the products we produce. Therefore we’re here to tell you that DirtGlue is the finest product on the market when it comes to contractors and their quest to find a multi-faceted solution to their hydroseeding and hydromulching needs and/or operation. Sure, others have likely made the claim, but again, we’re coming at you as unbiased as we can possibly be. When we created our suite of products we studied what others were doing. We got to the root of common problems and improved upon areas of strength and we came up with our own, unique solution that, quite simply, exceeds expectations and flat out lasts. The proof is in the science. The science is in the “glue.”

Consider the following:

Using DirtGlue Polymer Emulsion instead of your regular tackifier when you “get to work” on a project is a much more effective and cost competitive solution when it comes to preventing runoffs and accelerating germination, which is the ultimate goal when you’re hydroseeding, right?

The unique bonding capabilities built in to the inherent core of our polymer technology keep soil, seeds, nutrients, and cellulose mix in place during heavy rains and extreme runoff situations (we’re again looking right at those jobs on the sloping banks at the side of the interstate on our commute to work…)

The long and short of things is this: DirtGlue Polymer Emulsion eliminates costly and time-consuming re-sprayings and touch-ups and every application gains a happy and satisfied customer, and, a well executed, environmentally sound jobsite.

DirtGlue Polymer Emulsion combined with your hydroseeding mix:

  • Holds water in the soil longer (thus feeding into a sought after greenhouse effect)
  • Protects the soil and plants from rapid dehydration
  • Enables two to five days of earlier germination
  • More than a 20% increase in the germination rate of grasses
  • Reduction in soil losses due to strong precipitation (sediment control)
  • Prevention of loss of fines due to wind erosion (dust control)

We all know that cost is at the heart of the things we choose in life. Cheaper is not cheaper in the grand scheme of things. Cheaper means (quite often), lesser quality. And lesser quality gives way to greater margins of error, and, as we mentioned earlier, more follow-up to touch up jobs, and, in some cases, completely redo a task to fulfill a contract agreement. By just adding one cent per square foot, with DirtGlue Polymer Emulsion you are able to guarantee the job and offer peace-of-mind to not only the customer, but also, also, you. You don’t have to worry how it’s going to work, because, quite frankly, it just works. In the end, the cheaper solution will wind up costing you a little bit more at the outset.

And what’s more is this:

The GES line of products can keep your hydroseeding equipment operable and fueling your bottom line for the entire calendar year. Who wouldn’t want to take a more well rounded means of control over their expensive equipment for all four (potential) seasons rather than having it sit idle for many months at a time? How might you achieve this? Let’s give you an overview…

DirtGlue® polymer – This product is used primarily to stabilize embankments to prevent erosion, and help contractors with regulatory issues, erosion control, stockpile capping, and BMPs for SWPPPs
(Spring, Summer, Fall)

DustLess® dust suppressant – Quite simply, apply dust control on high traffic areas and eliminate the need to use water while achieving far superior results.
(Summer, Fall)

ArenaKleen® dust control – Your equipment can be used to apply our ArenaKleen dust control product to riding arenas (both indoor and outdoor), offering safety to not only the horses stomping around in the arena, but people who are subject to the adverse effects of breathing in potential dust threats.
(Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)

CompoMulch™ organic blend hydromulch – As mentioned above, this product is far superior to the typical wood fiber and paper products used for hydromulch. Our custom blended CompoMulch contains 50% compost mixed with a 50% special blend of short vegetable fiber (no paper and less prone to clogging nozzles).
(Spring, Summer, Fall)

So give us a call and add to your application technology / operative arsenal what many in your industry are already doing – eliminate the seasonality of your business – make it year round!

PotHoleGlue: When Band-Aids Just Won’t Cut It

Have you ever slammed into a pothole or swerved violently to avoid one? Do you have a license? If so, you probably answered yes to both or half of that first question. Potholes are all over the place. Being that we’re headquartered in New Hampshire, we deal with an endless assault of potholes as winter gives way to spring. But it’s not limited to our geographic locale – the earth shifts, and, as it does, soil loosens and holes form. It’s natural.

The question is, how are you combatting them?

You can’t just throw some dirt or “cold patch” in there and hope for the best.

Yes, we know, that last thought is a bit elementary, but the fact is, there are a lot of inferior products being used that are not only a terrible immediate solution, but a poor choice for the environment as well.

That’s why we created PotHoleGlueTM. And while there’s plenty of solutions that exist out there that temporarily take care of the issue, PotHoleGlueTM is really the only permanent pothole repair on the market.

A repair done with PotHoleGlueTM is the most cost-effective pothole repair since it’s only done once. No need for touchups and revisiting compromised sites. PotHoleGlueTM literally outlasts the surrounding asphalt thus, it’s truly permanent, unlike other pothole patch methods. Permanent repair is the best policy as far as we’re concerned… Why?

Pothole repair is intended to be a permanent fix of a pothole, however with the traditional methods it’s not. Traditional methods are labor and equipment intensive, which is not conducive to a “friendly” bottom-line. Traditional methods require the edges of the hole to be cut cleanly, with the hole itself cleaned out. HMA (hot mix asphalt) is brought in to fill the hole and then the HMA is compacted with a very heavy roller. The seams (clean cut edges) are then heat treated with IR (infrared) to melt the seams to the surrounding old asphalt at the cut edge.

The temporary fix is a cold patch. Cold patch has a very short life span (a few weeks to a few months typically). It’s meant to get by until the warmer weather comes and the HMA repair outlined above can be accomplished.

Therefore, all roads lead to permanent, so why not take the most direct route and rollout a plan with PotHoleGlueTM.

We at Global Environmental Solutions (GES) have developed PotHoleGlueTM as a permanent solution that withstands the elements – specially formulated to create a powerful, durable, and easy to use solution for fixing this well-known problem.

At its core, PotHoleGlueTM is “epoxy-like” – using a dry, multi-component system to produce a catalytic reaction creating a good-looking pothole patch that will outlast the surrounding pavement.

Strong, Durable Pothole Repair

  • Permanent
  • Easy application
  • Sticks to surrounding asphalt
  • Multi-component quality system
  • No special equipment needed
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Easy cleanup

PotHoleGlueTM – a superb alternative to conventional, less environmentally friendly and less effective methods.

When the road traveled is a bit bumpy, get in there and smooth out the ride. Contact us today to learn how you can add PotHoleGlueTM as your solution of choice when it comes to sound, solid road repair that lasts.

GES: Stabilization solutions for the earth, with the earth in mind.