Intertidal gravel track defying the odds

dirtglue gravel track

They said this track would never last, and they were probably right. However, thanks to a timely DirtGlue intervention, the track now has a fighting chance of surviving.

Project: Intertidal path, Howrah
Date: October 2016
Client: Clarence Council, DirtArt

Howrah Beach and Little Howrah Beach is separated by an 80 metre section of rocks. The walk across the rocks is hazardous, especially when the tide is up. The beaches attract a lot of walkers so providing a safer path between the beaches made a lot of sense. Clarence Council devised an ambitious plan to construct a path over the rocks, ambitious because high tides would rise above the level of the path.

In February 2016, the path was constructed. Within weeks, high tides had smashed the path and it had to be repaired, and then repaired again. In April, Clarence Council contacted us to see if DirtGlue® could save the track. To demonstrate the capabilities of DirtGlue® we treated a 10 metre section of the track. Six months after the application, the treated area of track was as firm and secure as the day it was treated. Unlike the rest of the track which was suffering badly.

Having passed the trial, Clarence gave us the go ahead to treat the rest of the track with DirtGlue®.

The path has been saved. As well as creating a long lasting sealed gravel surface, DirtGlue has also locked-in the rocks that contain the gravel.
This project is a great example of DirtGlue working in extreme environmental conditions.

Eco-carpark by the beach at Seven Mile

DirtGlue® eco-carpark

From a distance, it looks like any normal red gravel car park. However, get up close, and you’ll discover that the gravel surface is solid, rock solid.

Project: Red gravel and DirtGlue® car park in Seven Mile Beach, Tasmania
Date: September 2016
Client: Clarence City Council


There are numerous red gravel car parks along the coastal road at Seven Mile Beach, 15 minutes east of Hobart. Red gravel is an effective short term solution to surfacing these car parks – the gravel is easily available and relatively low cost. However, it has its shortcomings; the gravel quickly becomes displaced due to cars driving on it and bad weather. Typically the surface develops pot holes and when this occurs, the Council sends in a crew to reset the levels and lay more red gravel. Another major issue is the loose gravel from the car park gets washed into the drains and underground pipes. Over time, this causes significant problems for the drainage system.

Clarence Council approached us to see if DirtGlue® could provide a better long term solution for this car park’s maintenance strategy.

The Council wanted to steer away from concrete, bitumen and asphalt, as this was cost prohibitive and also not appropriate for the site.

For this scenario, using DirtGlue® Industrial was a great fit for the project – a long lasting sealed gravel surface, cost effective, environmentally safe and a natural finish that fitted in with the local environment.


After the Council had prepared the base and laid the gravel it took just half a day for our GreenTrack contractor (D Howard Landscapes and Excavations) to apply the DirtGlue and roll the surface. The car park was closed to the public for just four days.

GreenTrack and DirtGlue® delivered exactly what was expected. This 230 square metre car park at Seven Mile Beach now has a sealed red gravel surface; it is rock hard and wearing well. From a distance it looks no different to the original red gravel car park, local residents may not have even noticed the change.

Inspecting the drains around the site, it can be seen that the drains being fed by water running off the car park are relatively gravel free. Whereas, other nearby drains are clogged with gravel washed in from red gravel paths along the road side.

Golden driveway in the Huon Valley

natural looking sealed driveway DirtGlue

Our client asked for a natural looking sealed driveway that fitted in with their bush setting. They were delighted with the results.

Our client’s home was situated on a hillside in the beautiful Huon Valley. They wanted to beautify their property with a natural gravel driveway. They were excited when they discovered GreenTrack could deliver a sealed gravel surface with DirtGlue®, using locally quarried gravel.

Like many of our clients, they loved the natural gravel look, but didn’t want the maintenance that comes with a regular gravel finish. They also didn’t relish the prospect of loose  gravel finding its way onto the carpet in the house. With DirtGlue®, we had all the answers they wanted to hear.

The result was a beautiful textured golden surface, decorated with 10-14mm Tasman Gold gravel.

Not only did they get the finish they desired, they were also able to get a sealed driveway that wasn’t affordable with other driveway construction options.

Breathing new life into an old shed

concrete-like slab, constructed with DirtGlue Industrial and FCR

After 40 years with a dirt floor, this old shed on the lower slopes of Mount Wellington has had new life breathed into it. The dirt has been replaced with a concrete-like slab, constructed with DirtGlue Industrial and FCR. The practicality of a rock hard floor has transformed the shed from a dusty storage space into a workshop.

Constructing this slab with DirtGlue presented excellent value to the customer and a great outcome. The eco-friendliness of the product was also important to the customer.

Porch and drive renovation

porch and driveway renovation

Our client was looking to give their porch and driveway a bit of a facelift. The existing stone pavers outside the front door had become a little tired and uneven. They wanted something with a softer more natural look. They liked the idea of a sealed gravel finish connecting the porch and drive. They decided on Dirtglue with finely crushed limestone. Furthermore, it wasn’t necessary to remove the stone pavers, the gravel was laid right over the top!

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