Our Own Chris Rider Featured in Soil Erosion & Hydroseeding Magazine

Chris Rider was featured prominently in the March/April edition of Soil Erosion & Hydroseeding Magazine. The article, “A Sticky Business” is an in-depth conversation regarding tackifiers and how to properly and responsibly take control of the earth causing potential difficulty within the environmental confines of your project.

Read it here: http://soilerosiononline.com/article-497-a-sticky-business.html

DustLess® – Why It Works & How it Works

The least expensive dust control method is DustLess® One needs to know the capabilities and functionality of the product to be properly informed.

DustLess® does not function like water or chlorides

Water surrounds individual soil and/or dust particles, thus “floating” the individual particle. When a particle is floated by application of water, there is a space in between each soil particle (a space filled with a microscopic amount of water). If enough water is applied to eliminate all dust, then every soil particle is separated by water. This separation reduces friction because the particles no longer touch the adjacent particle directly. This phenomenon commences immediately upon reaching optimum moisture content (OMC) in the soil. Once you exceed OMC even by a very small percentage, you have mud. If you do not reach OMC, then you do not have complete dust control. Wetted soil sticks to wheels and equipment etc., it tracks, it has low coefficient of friction, and it immediately begins to dry out (all bad things). This procedure, using water as dust control, provides a very short effective life span and needs continuous re-applications to create at best, modest dust control that is constantly changing in effectiveness.

Chlorides work by drawing moisture out of the air thus dampening the soil. Same problem as water, not enough chlorides and you do not have complete dust control. Too much chloride and you have hard and soft spots in the soil, some area over treated and some areas undertreated. Any amount of chloride and you have corrosion of vehicles and equipment, you have health issue of breathing in dried, chloride soils the control goes away. Chlorides require several applications per year. Chloride applications are only effective if there is substantial moisture/humidity in the air. A heavy rain event washes away chloride dust control requiring reapplication. Continual use of salts (chlorides) over extended periods of time, kills adjacent vegetation, and pollutes ground water.

DustLess® works differently

It is specially formulated to absorb into the individual soil particles rather than surround and “float” the particle as does water. By absorbing in and not surrounding the particle, the individual particles remain in direct contact with each other keeping the soil surface firm, good coefficient of friction (traction), no stickiness, thus no tracking. The product is not alkaline, is not acidic, it is non-corrosive and non-hazardous. Effective dust control lasts for about one year. Watering is never required. Climate or humidity are not factors. It does not wash away or dilute in rain events. Reapplications after the initial application are done at a much lower rate to renew highly effective, long lasting control.

DustLess® application is more cost effective, more effective, and is always better from a health point of view. All of this with no negative environmental issues and no corroded equipment.