One of Australia’s oldest and most revered disc golf courses, Poimena Reserve in Hobart, has installed a number of DirtGlue & gravel tee pads, and players are raving about them. Since the disc golf course was redesigned in 2007, the course has operated with compacted red gravel tee pads. Although red gravel is a much better option than natural tee pads, the gravel can be slippery and, crucially, requires regular maintenance due to erosion from foot traffic and weather.
For years, concrete has been the only practical alternative to upgrading the tee pads, but the cost, difficulties with site access and a preference to steer away from concrete in the reserve has always been a barrier to upgrading with this material.
DirtGlue presented the opportunity to install sealed gravel tee pads with comparable durability to concrete, but with a much friendlier environmental footprint, and at lower cost. Greentrack collaborated with the Glenorchy Council and local volunteers to install nine new DirtGlue tee pads.
Players are delighted with the new tee pads. The sealed gravel surface is super stable and offers great grip in all weathers, which means players can rip discs without fear of slipping and risking injury.
Significantly, the tee pads are now zero maintenance and will last for years, which is a huge step towards maintaining the sustainability of the course. The long term plan is to upgrade the remaining red gravel tee pads with DirtGlue so this famous course can continue to stage national tournaments and inspire the next generation of Tasmanian disc golfers.